Social Media covers a broad swath of hundreds of tools. We’re going to suggest 4 of the best Social Media sites where you should have an active presence.
Not yet convinced your Co-Op should be on Social Media? We’ve written before about Why your Electrical Cooperative SHOULD be on Social Media, go read that first.
Quick refresher to remind you of the purpose:
- Engage with your members where they already hang out
- Useful as a tool to communicate news, events, and alerts
- Keeps you top of mind
1. Facebook
The grand poobah, Facebook, the king and behemoth of the Social Media world. According to Pew Research…
- 69% of U.S. adults use Facebook,
- 74% of them visit the site at least once a day
- 43% of U.S. adults get news from Facebook
2. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a great place for B2B or business engagements. You need a LinkedIn Company page. This lets your employees list your Co-Op as their employer. One big advantage of being on LinkedIn is for recruiting new talent. A potential employee is going to scope you out online, LinkedIn is a great place to make a great first impression.
3. Twitter
This may be one that at the very least you claim your name on and set to auto-tweet new blog posts. Engaging takes time and if you have the bandwidth, then awesome, but if not, don’t stress it.
- Follow local news outlets and community programs you’re involved in. Retweet them when appropriate
- Tweet out alerts and updates
4. YouTube
This is the hardest to get the feel for because it takes a bit more technology to make happen. Curious how video can be easy? Soon we will be releasing a post on how Electric Co-Ops can harness the power of video.