
What Social Media Should Your Electric Co-Op Use? 4 Best Sites

Social Media covers a broad swath of hundreds of tools. We’re going to suggest 4 of the best Social Media sites where you should have an active presence. 

Not yet convinced your Co-Op should be on Social Media? We’ve written before about Why your Electrical Cooperative SHOULD be on Social Media, go read that first. 

Quick refresher to remind you of the purpose:


1. Facebook 

The grand poobah, Facebook, the king and behemoth of the Social Media world. According to Pew Research


2. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great place for B2B or business engagements. You need a LinkedIn Company page. This lets your employees list your Co-Op as their employer. One big advantage of being on LinkedIn is for recruiting new talent. A potential employee is going to scope you out online, LinkedIn is a great place to make a great first impression. 


3. Twitter

This may be one that at the very least you claim your name on and set to auto-tweet new blog posts. Engaging takes time and if you have the bandwidth, then awesome, but if not, don’t stress it. 


4. YouTube 

This is the hardest to get the feel for because it takes a bit more technology to make happen. Curious how video can be easy? Soon we will be releasing a post on how Electric Co-Ops can harness the power of video

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