Don’t miss the boat getting your website secured with HTTPS! Here’s why… Around 6 years ago very few sites were mobile-friendly. We’ve had a revolution and now every website needs to be usable and pleasant experience on mobile. In similar fashion, we’re at a turning point for all websites being “secured” (HTTPS) using SSL Certificates. […]
Why Redirect Pages from Your Old Site?
Say you had a page on Blue Widgets on your old site – when you go live with a new site maybe you decided to delete that page or you changed the URL. So what happens if someone tries to go to that page on your old site? They will hit an error page AKA […]
New cPanel Upgrade for Hosting Accounts
Those clients that host their sites with us, your lives just got ever-so-slightly better. We recently upgraded the LimeCuda dedicated servers to the latest version of WHM/cPanel. This is the software that runs on the hosting side of things and makes it much easier to manage the technical aspects of your site. Without dragging you […]