
Engaging Online Hub for 100+ Year Old Fireworks Company

Case Study

Zambelli Fireworks

Zambelli Fireworks (The First Family of Fireworks) has a spectacular history dating back to 1893. They are one of the largest fireworks companies in the world and put on over 1600 events every year.

Services Provided

  • Blog
  • Hosting & Caretaking
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Creating a Dramatic Landing for a 100+ Year Old Brand

    Zambelli Fireworks is an almost 130 year old fireworks company. The challenge was to establish a website and content strategy to showcase their history and experience while revealing their wide service options and every day event accessibility that most people don’t typically associate with Fireworks.

    Central Hub

    The new website is a central hub for sharing Zambelli videos, photos, media mentions, and blog posts. The posts can be quickly created within their WordPress dashboard and then strategically funneled to all of their Social Media channels.

    This puts Zambelli back in control of their social content and gives them the power to specifically position those “Next Steps” for users engaging with their content.

    Advanced Portal For Technician Certification Training

    We believe that utilizing the web for your business is way more than just a marketing tool. It needs to become a business asset.

    For Zambelli, we also created a training portal that has allowed over 400 of their technicians to complete nearly 5,000 lessons that apply to their required training hours and certification requirements.

    Increased Footprint for Search Targeting

    Their former site was a traditional “brochure” style website. This was good for the old days of the web, but left their content and page structure pretty shallow.

    Now, each service, product, and service areas (State) have their own landing pages with unique and high quality content.

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