Thinking of uploading videos directly to WordPress rather than an embed like YouTube? Here's why that isn't a good idea. There are many options available to us when using videos on WordPress. We'll be looking at the options available over a few blog posts here, however we wanted to kick off with the most accessible option and our most preferred method - embedding YouTube videos.

Pros of Using YouTube Videos on WordPress

YouTube Firstly, it is free. Self-hosting video or using a premium tool can quickly become an expensive and complicated endeavor. If video isn't your primary gig, then using a tool like YouTube is probably wise.

Video Loading / Speed

Video SEO and Marketing

[caption id="attachment_4102" align="aligncenter" width="597"]youtube-wordpress-embed-results-google-search How a Video can look within Google Search[/caption]

Video Aesthetics

Cons of Using YouTube for Videos on WordPress

There is so much more you can do with YouTube... embedding playlists or galleries, embedding a live stream, having videos load in lightboxes, etc. We're pretty big fans of the combo of YouTube and WordPress. Curious about how the other video services stand up in comparison? Subscribe to our monthly insider email and you'll get those next blog posts as well as a bunch of other cool content once a month. Working on a site which needs to leverage video? Please reach out and we'd be happy to chat through the options available.