Thinking of uploading videos directly to WordPress rather than an embed like YouTube? Here's why that isn't a good idea.
There are many options available to us when using videos on WordPress. We'll be looking at the options available over a few blog posts here, however we wanted to kick off with the most accessible option and our most preferred method - embedding YouTube videos.
Pros of Using YouTube Videos on WordPress
Firstly, it is free. Self-hosting video or using a premium tool can quickly become an expensive and complicated endeavor. If video isn't your primary gig, then using a tool like YouTube is probably wise.
Video Loading / Speed
Leverage their massive architecture so videos always load quickly
Embed codes are intelligent and will load different quality streams based on the viewer's connection
Embed codes play well across most devices - including mobile and tablet
Video SEO and Marketing
Your videos can be displayed publicly within YouTube search, this could be just another avenue for someone to find you
You can enable monetization and get some share of the ad revenue from your video. This is likely not advantageous if you are hosting marketing or about-type videos.
Videos may be called out in Google Search as videos. Could help you rank for terms with video. Check out the Yoast Video SEO plugin too.
[caption id="attachment_4102" align="aligncenter" width="597"] How a Video can look within Google Search[/caption]
Video Aesthetics
Append tags to a YouTube URL to get special features. Add additional tags using an "&"
Stop unwanted related videos from showing up by adding: rel=0
Get a nice subtly branded look by adding: modestbranding=1
Your video is out of your control and ads will be shown on or near it within YouTube
You may not like the related videos that show up when viewing on YouTube
It isn't as classy or enterprise a feel as using something like Vzaar or even perhaps Vimeo
There is so much more you can do with YouTube... embedding playlists or galleries, embedding a live stream, having videos load in lightboxes, etc.
We're pretty big fans of the combo of YouTube and WordPress. Curious about how the other video services stand up in comparison? Subscribe to our monthly insider email and you'll get those next blog posts as well as a bunch of other cool content once a month.
Working on a site which needs to leverage video? Please reach out and we'd be happy to chat through the options available.