We've been busy helping clients move to the new design. If you want to have a go yourself, check out the below links. Here is a particularly helpful one that has the dimensions for the new images. We switched the LimeCuda fan page over last week. Do you have a favorite example of a new page?

- Facebook Timeline for Brands: 10 Things to Get Right [Social Media Today] Another post from SMT on the things you need to really pay attention to in order to really make Timeline sing for your company.
- Top Ten Changes for Brands on Facebook Timeline [Envano] Our friends at Envano (local to Green Bay) put together a nice concise post with screen shots that walks you though the finer points of Timeline.
- Introducing Timeline from Facebook. The original page about Timeline when it was introduced for Personal Profiles.
- Facebook Timeline - 5 Strategies for Business Success [Ressac] This is a quick post but it has a few ideas that go beyond the technical and tactical of how to "cope" with Timeline and gives some ideas on how to really leverage it to tell your brand story. I like the idea of "getting your brand history" in order like the way the New York Times has done when the put a post on their timeline stating they were founded in 1851. Very cool!

- The New Facebook® Pages Brand Timeline: Everything You Need to Know [Hearsay Social] A well designed, well thought out and very informative guide. This is something that we’ve used in FB classes since it came out. A great resource and a ‘must download’ item.
- Facebook Timeline for Brands: A Marketer’s Guide [Virtrue] Virtrue put together a great 13 page deck on the technical aspects as well as some of the more innovative ideas that marketers can employ to leverage Timeline.
- Facebook Timeline Tip Sheet [Eric Mower + Associates] We always like the EMA work and like the tidy tip sheet they put together on Timeline. Good stuff and simple.
- Step-by-Step Guide to New Facebook Business Page Timelines [HubSpot] Of course, HubSpot has a great guide on Timeline. It’s the granddaddy guide of them all with 31 pages (some of it’s HubSpot propaganda) of insights, ideas and tips you won’t see anywhere else.
- Facebook Cheat Sheet: Sizes and Dimensions [DreamGrow Digital/Social Media] I love these guys! They did this nice 'wireframe' blueprint for the last time Facebook changed up dimensions and they've updated their handy PDF of Facebook Timeline image dimensions for this most recent change. Send this to your designers who work on your Facebook imagery.
- Here’s a quick Facebook Timeline Pinterest Board that Marketing Savant put together on their Pinterest page that links to some of the better infographics, guides and resources that they've found for Timeline.