Oh man, this year went by way too fast! I know it's cliché to say but time goes by faster the older you get.

It's time again for our yearly review post! It's been a busy year, unfortunately our blogging here doesn't reflect that... you can still find our 2017 year in review in our home blog feed. Goal for 2019, a return to blogging #resolutions!

At the beginning of 2018, we set our general goal of "doing great work for awesome people". As part of that, we thought it would only be appropriate to "do great work with awesome people" which we meant "with" in the physical sense. As a distributed team, we can sometimes take the importance of face-to-face interaction for granted. So, this year, we made it a point to travel more and meet some of our clients on their turf.

HEY! HEY! It's a beautiful day LA

Our first trip of the year was to visit the headquarters of The Foursquare Church in Los Angeles this February. This trip was planned in the middle of the project and gave us a great opportunity to reveal the work in progress, provide some initial hands on training, as well as do some further project planning.

It was also a great time of work and play where we got to sample some great food and beer, stroll down Hollywood Blvd, and visit the Griffith Observatory. This trip was also the first time Blake and Elizabeth were able to meet face to face.

Ben Franklin is everywhere

Our second trip this year was to the city of brotherly love. Blake and I took our families to Philadelphia to meet up and plan a kickoff project with CCEF. We met at their main office, a beautiful, historic building near the campus of Westminster Theological Seminary, and did several planning sessions for all aspects of the site with many people that we've only ever previously met via email.

We stayed in an interesting Airbnb in downtown Philadelphia. During the day, it was a great location with quick access to fun for the family and public transportation for us. However, we did get woken up to shouts of "Don't Shoot!" early on one of the mornings.

It's people! It's made of people!

Our team has also grown in 2018! Stephen Dickinson is helping us with some design and front-end development. We've really enjoyed having him contribute to our client projects. He's got an intentionality with his approach and takes the time to invest in tools for projects that make them easier (and better) to manage over the long haul. In his free time he also volunteers as a support moderator for the WordPress.org forums.


We're one quarter in and it is looking like a great year. Excited to figure out more ways to quickly serve you, our wonderful clients. Onward!

On that note, we are looking to grow our team this year! If you're interested, check out the latest posting for a Support and Technology Specialist.