You're deep in thought struggling with an unsolvable problem. You sigh and turn from your glowing monitor to a rubber ducky sitting next to it.
It sits there patiently and listens as you spell out the problem. Your friend the duck just politely stares back, uninterupting, and lets you lay out the entire situation. Mr. Rubber Duck has a knowing wisdom as he lets you just unload on him.
Suddenly, without him saying a word, you have a solution! "Thanks man," you say and give him a ducky high five. Victorious once again, you turn back to your screen.

Wait, what?!?! Have the LIMECUDA guys lost it?
Meet "Rubber Duckying", a very real concept from the world of software development. It is really just the exercise of having to explain a problem to someone as if they know nothing about it.
It really can help breakthrough on tough problems. Give it a try next time you've hit a wall. Just talk to Mr. Rubber Duck.