We've been blogging on LimeCuda's blog every Tuesday for almost 3 months now. Add in our personal blogs, Social Media, and our new favorite child, Fewer Than Three - and that's a lot of posts! (30+ by my count).
In the spirit of "here's what's working for us" I'm sharing 4 tips for getting in that elusive blogging groove.

1. Make it a regularly scheduled "habit"
We've committed to publishing a new post on LimeCuda EVERY Tuesday. We share the load yes, but sometimes we're fighting over who gets to publish as much as we're fighting over who has to fulfill this duty. Knowing this is a non-negotiable for us has helped us "own it".
For you this might mean daily (aka Chris Lema Beast Mode), weekly, monthly, or 4 times a year.
Make it a regularly scheduled non-negotiable!
2. Always be capturing ideas for new blog posts
Get in the frame of mind where you are constantly looking for new stuff your audience might benefit from. I find myself scribbling post titles on a piece of note paper during client calls. We have at least a dozen partial drafts sitting in our WordPress dashboard right now.
Or, if you want to go even further... when inspiration strikes, take a few minutes and just jam out a post while it is fresh in your head!
3. Not every blog post needs to be long or earth shattering
Don't avoid blogging because you don't think you can write "enough".
A powerful thought shared succinctly is better than that same thought spread over 20 rambling paragraphs.
Don't avoid blogging because you're worried about not contributing an "original thought". First, those are as rare as unicorns - Second, it might be new information for your audience! Just the practice of forcing yourself to share will mean you better grasp a subject.
For instance...
I took time over the weekend and wrote an absolutely enthralling post on the nuances of migrating a WordPress site to HTTPS. Granted, what is enthralling to some is mind numbing to others...that aside, while forming a teaching tutorial on something I've done dozens of times it helped me better understand the process and my own skill was bolstered.
4. Obsess over the analytics
I take this to an unhealthy level but there isn't an addiction support group yet...
But seriously, reward yourself by watching your traffic grow. Make it a guilty habit to monitor your Google Analytics. This is the long game, don't be upset if it takes 3 months to see results. Rarely does any worthwhile success happen overnight!
Please share your big and little tips in the comments.