Looking to the leader(s) of your pack can be a great way to stay on the cutting edge and maintain ambition.

My challenge to you:
Find 3-5 leaders in your industry and follow what they have to say

1. What is Your Industry?

This is the smallest sensible niche that you can identify. If you sell health insurance to senior citizens in southeast Maryland then find the thought leaders in your space or be that thought leader. Follow people in the outer rings too. In this example a general insurance thought leader may be helpful.

Our industry is WordPress but really more specifically WordPress Agencies. So we listen to people like Chris Lema, Carrie Dils, Curtis McHale and agencies like: Modern Tribe and Crowd Favorite. Think of the people and businesses you look up to in your niche. People who are your peers or who you wish were your peers.

2. Following them means...

Finding them online. They should have an online presence. Maybe a blog, Social Media, email list, podcast, etc.

Then just listen and reflect on what they are saying.

Don't blindly follow but don't arrogantly dismiss. You're looking for wisdom not marching orders. 

3. Keep Growing and Become a Hero

Not saying you should seek fame but there is something to be said for striving to be a person or company that others look up to.

Strive for excellence and be a hero to others. Remember heroism involves great sacrifice and risk!

Does your web presence effectively build an audience and let you be a hero? Reach out to us if you'd like help in putting together the right tools for building your online reach