This begins a new series we’re doing on “Ruthless Efficiency”.
Short tips to redeem time from mundane, repeatable, inefficient tasks. The result: more joyful work, less stress, more time for creativity.

To start, let's take a look at something already built into your computer, the clipboard. Your computer’s clipboard can be so much more than copy/paste. Learn how to add hidden talent and make your computing more effective AND efficient.

The Normal Clipboard

You know the drill, it is a hidden storage place where something lives that you just copy/cut and then when you need it you “paste” it. Simple, binary, one thing in, one thing out.

Common Clipboard Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows: Control (Ctrl) + X
Mac: Command (Cmd) + X

Windows: Control (Ctrl) + C
Mac: Command (Cmd) + C

Windows: Control (Ctrl) + V
Mac: Command (Cmd) + V

The Efficiency Beast of a Clipboard

This is really one of my favorite tools I use all-day-long. It is called “clipboard history”. The concept is simple, your clipboard ends up accumulating all the stuff you copy and you can go back and re-paste stuff from days or weeks ago. I can search and recall text I copied weeks ago or thousands of copies ago.

I use a Clipboard history tool for Windows called Ditto. While it is free and works great, it is not the prettiest...clipboard-history-ditto

I just hit a special key combination and it pulls up the above interface. I can just start typing part of a previous item I know I had copied. So if I had previously copied:

<p id="aesc"><a href="" title="AESC - The Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/img/common/aesc.gif" alt="AESC - The Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants"></a></p>

I could find it by starting to type "aesc" or "href" - basically any part of the paste I remember can help me recall it to use again.

Features of Ditto

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Other Clipboard History Tools

The time savings and ability to quickly repeat tasks make this an essential tool for the computer power user!