In Part 2 of our series we look at Sitemap & Content. Missed Part 1? It was all about the groundwork, branding, and design.

You've now spent some time thinking and planning a design for your new site, now we get into the actual pages and words within the site. Design is critical, yes, but here is how you share your story.
Sitemap & Content
A sitemap is most simply a list of the primary pages on your website. There is usually a hierarchy with top-level and sub-pages. Your top menu will end up being a slimmed-down or best-of version of the sitemap. A sample sitemap looks like:
- Home
- About Us
- Leadership
- Company History
- Careers
- Our Services
- Custom Furniture Design
- Woodworking School
- Blog
- Contact
How many pages do you need on your site? As a general rule, we'd say as few as possible. If you are trying to cram too many ideas or too much info on a page, then it might be best as its own page. But in general, keep your sitemap lean, understandable, and something as easy to get a sense of as possible.
Once you have your starting Sitemap identified, you need content for each of these pages. These words on a page will live within a certain design layout and might make use of photos, videos, and graphics.
The text is a key part of telling the story. It is also a key part of ranking in Google (more on that below)
Having great photos dramatically helps a site feel well done. Ideally have a professional photographer take pictures but carefully chosen stock photography may also be used. We use BigStockPhoto for stock images.
Once you have the text, photos, graphics, videos, etc. it is all about putting them together into a consistent layout.
Writing good copy is hard. Probably just as difficult is then transposing it into a page layout that your audience can follow.
Remember, people scan on the web! Make your content easy to follow by carefully using these tools within your web layout toolkit:
- Headings and sub headings (h1, h2, h3, etc/)
- Bulleted and ordered lists
- Bold and italics
- Buttons or hyperlinking to other content
- Columns or rows
- Use of backgrounds, textures, and colors
- Photos, graphics, icons, and videos
...and MOST KEY, once they have made their way through the page, is there a next step? Don't forget what you want them to do! Is there more content to go deeper, a call to be scheduled, an e-book to download or a contact form to fill out?