Looking to the leader(s) of your pack can be a great way to stay on the cutting edge and maintain ambition. My challenge to you:Find 3-5 leaders in your industry and follow what they have to say 1. What is Your Industry? This is the smallest sensible niche that you can identify. If you sell health […]
4 Quick Tips for Getting into That Elusive Blogging Groove
We’ve been blogging on LimeCuda’s blog every Tuesday for almost 3 months now. Add in our personal blogs, Social Media, and our new favorite child, Fewer Than Three – and that’s a lot of posts! (30+ by my count). In the spirit of “here’s what’s working for us” I’m sharing 4 tips for getting in […]
Why Your Website Needs to be Secured with HTTPS (in Layman’s Terms)
Don’t miss the boat getting your website secured with HTTPS! Here’s why… Around 6 years ago very few sites were mobile-friendly. We’ve had a revolution and now every website needs to be usable and pleasant experience on mobile. In similar fashion, we’re at a turning point for all websites being “secured” (HTTPS) using SSL Certificates. […]
7 Helpful (but Obscure) WordPress Tricks
Did you know these 7 obscure super-secret WordPress tricks? For a while only Chuck Norris knew these! Screen Options On most views within the WordPress backend there is a very subtle hidden menu named “Screen Options.” This will let you change what shows on the view and sometimes even the number of items. Want to […]
GOOGLE ANALYTICS: How (and Why) to Set Up On-site Search Tracking in WordPress
Tracking on-site search is really easy with Google Analytics and WordPress. See what terms people are searching when using your WordPress site search box. What is On-Site Search? By this we mean when someone is actually browsing your site and uses your site’s search bar to search within your website. Â Â Â Â Â […]
Video on WordPress – Using YouTube Video Embeds
Thinking of uploading videos directly to WordPress rather than an embed like YouTube? Here’s why that isn’t a good idea. There are many options available to us when using videos on WordPress. We’ll be looking at the options available over a few blog posts here, however we wanted to kick off with the most accessible […]
What’s the one big difference between success and failure on the web?
If I were a game show host at this point I would have you go register your guesses. Some of you are thinking… persuasive content, SEO, having an amazing product, flashy graphics, a big spinning logo… I contend web success is far more straightforward. The distilled concept would be “thoughtful strategy” Let’s unpack that basic […]
5 Reasons to Consider Social Media (Even if You’re Boring / B2B)
Many B2B companies don’t get into Social Media.But is that prudent? Spoiler… I think they should reconsider. Why they fear the water… All of those are valid points, to some extent. Social Media can be a tornado of a time waste… But wait! Here are some things you should consider before ditching on Social Media. 1. […]
How “Rubber Duckying” Can Help Your Business
You’re deep in thought struggling with an unsolvable problem. You sigh and turn from your glowing monitor to a rubber ducky sitting next to it. It sits there patiently and listens as you spell out the problem. Your friend the duck just politely stares back, uninterupting, and lets you lay out the entire situation. Mr. […]